The Best Online Platforms For Finding Remote Jobs

Are You Ready to Earn a Living Online?


Are you tired of the daily commute? Are you done with the traditional 9 to 5? With a laptop and an internet connection I managed to build my own business while also working remotely to earn over $100K a year, and my life completely changed. Let me show you exactly how I’ve been doing it for more than 10 years.

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The digital age has transformed the traditional workplace, enabling more people to work from anywhere in the world.

During the peak of Covid, it became apparent how swiftly many companies could adopt work-from-home policies. We discovered the efficiency of working remotely compared to being in an office.

Most importantly, it became clear that remote positions had become highly sought after by many of us.

This shift has led to the rise of remote jobs, with numerous online platforms catering to various fields and expertise levels. Whether you are a developer, writer, designer, or marketer, there is a remote job platform tailored to your skills.

At, we came up with a comprehensive guide to the best online platforms for finding remote jobs across various categories so you can find the remote position you deserve!

General Job Boards for Remote Jobs

There are a plethora of remote opportunities across various industries with general job boards. Platforms like FlexJobs, LinkedIn, and Arc provide a wide array of job listings, catering to different fields and expertise levels. Whether you’re seeking a position in customer service, development, or any other sector, these general job boards are your gateway to finding the perfect remote role.

FlexJobs: This platform requires a complete profile, including a resume and skills tests, ensuring that you match with suitable job opportunities.

LinkedIn: Renowned as a professional networking site, LinkedIn also serves as an online resume. Utilize its jobs section to filter positions by various criteria, including remote options, to find your ideal role.

Arc: Specifically designed for developers, Arc helps tech professionals find remote opportunities worldwide. Catering to a broad array of fields, this job board lists positions in customer service, design, development, HR, and more.

JustRemote: Offering roles in development, marketing, design, HR, and customer service, JustRemote focuses on virtual job opportunities.

We Work Remotely: A comprehensive platform for remote jobs, it features positions in various sectors, from customer service to programming.

Remote OK: This job board is populated with numerous postings from recruiters and allows filtering by job type, experience level, and industry.

Working Nomads: Subscribe to this online newsletter to receive remote job postings directly in your inbox, choosing between daily or weekly deliveries.

Platforms for Freelancing, Contract, or Flexible Positions

Embrace the flexibility of freelancing with platforms designed to accommodate diverse schedules and project types. Websites like Fiverr, UpWork, and Freelancer offer a dynamic environment where professionals can connect with short-term gigs or long-term projects. These sites are ideal for those seeking variety and control over their workload, these platforms are the cornerstone of modern freelancing.

Fiverr: A popular choice for freelancers across different fields, offering flexibility and a vast array of opportunities.

UpWork: Known for connecting freelancers with short-term and long-term projects, UpWork caters to various expertise levels and industries.

Freelancer: A global freelancing platform where you can find a multitude of job postings and bid on projects that match your skills.

Guru: This platform allows professionals to showcase their past work and connect with businesses seeking specialized skills.

Toptal: Catering to the top tier of freelancers, Toptal emphasizes quality and connects freelancers with significant, challenging projects.

Tech-Related Job Boards

For tech enthusiasts seeking remote roles, specialized job boards offer tailored opportunities in the digital realm. Authentic Jobs, Career Vault, and AngelList are dedicated to connecting tech professionals with innovative companies worldwide. Whether you’re a software developer, UX designer, or tech strategist, these platforms provide the niche focus you need to advance your career remotely.

Authentic Jobs: A hub for creative professionals and tech experts, offering a range of remote opportunities.

Career Vault: A platform that aggregates tech-focused job postings, providing a wealth of options for job seekers.

AngelList: A go-to site for startup jobs, including many tech-related remote positions.

Engineering and Developer Remote Jobs

Engineers and developers in search of remote opportunities will find their niche in platforms like, Power to Fly, and GitHub. These sites not only list job openings but also provide community support, matching services, and resources to ensure you find the right fit. Whether you specialize in front-end, back-end, or full-stack development, these boards are your ticket to a thriving remote engineering career. Known for its rigorous 4-step verification process, ensures that candidates are well-matched with suitable clients, offering additional support like resume preparation and interview assistance.

Power to Fly: Focusing on empowering women in tech, this platform connects female engineers and developers with remote opportunities.

RubyNow: A niche job board for Ruby developers, offering specialized opportunities within the tech industry.

GitHub: Beyond being a repository platform, GitHub offers a job board for developers, including roles in front-end, full-stack, and Ruby development.

Writing and Editing Remote Jobs

Writers and editors can explore their passion remotely with platforms that highlight content creation roles. Contena, Freelance Writing, and ProBlogger cater specifically to wordsmiths, offering jobs in blogging, copywriting, and content marketing. These platforms are ideal for those who can craft compelling narratives, engage audiences, and produce high-quality written content from anywhere.

Contena: Ideal for writers, editors, and content marketers, Contena provides a platform to find quality writing gigs.

Freelance Writing: Catering to versatile writers who can produce blog posts, press releases, and product descriptions.

ProBlogger: A targeted platform for writing professionals, offering opportunities in copywriting, freelance writing, and contract writing.

Marketing Remote Jobs

Digital marketers seeking remote work can leverage job boards like Indeed, Monster, and Glassdoor to discover opportunities that span various industries and specializations. From SEO experts to social media gurus, these platforms provide a wealth of remote roles that allow marketers to strategize and execute campaigns from the comfort of their homes.

Indeed: A general job board that also features a variety of remote marketing positions.

Monster: Another broad platform where marketing professionals can find remote work opportunities.

Glassdoor: Offers insights into companies along with job listings, including remote marketing roles.

GrowthHub: A niche site for marketing jobs, providing a range of remote opportunities in the field.

Design and Creative Remote Jobs

Creative professionals can find their remote haven on platforms like Dribble, 99designs, and NODESK, which cater to the unique needs of designers and artists. Whether you specialize in graphic design, illustration, or any other creative field, these platforms offer opportunities to showcase your work, connect with clients, and secure freelance gigs that ignite your artistic passion.

Dribble: A leading community for creatives, Dribble allows designers to find remote work and connect with potential clients.

99designs: Similar to Fiverr and UpWork but tailored for designers, this platform enables creative professionals to compete for projects.

NODESK: Beyond job listings, NODESK offers resources and articles on remote work, catering to professionals in various fields including design.

The rise of remote work has opened up a plethora of opportunities across different industries. Whether you are a developer, writer, designer, or marketer, there is a platform out there that can connect you with your ideal remote job.

By utilizing these specialized platforms, you can find a position that not only fits your skill set but also offers the flexibility and freedom associated with remote work.

So what are you waiting for?

Get up and get to work!

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