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Fiverr Review

Are You Ready to Earn a Living Online?


Are you tired of the daily commute? Are you done with the traditional 9 to 5? With a laptop and an internet connection I managed to build my own business while also working remotely to earn over $100K a year, and my life completely changed. Let me show you exactly how I’ve been doing it for more than 10 years.

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Overall Rating



  • Sellers can work on a variety of different projects
  • A great way to earn extra cash
  • Easy to navigate and easy to use website interface
  • Free to sign up


  • Prices for services will vary. Can affect how much a freelancer will earn
  • You don’t own your clients. Fiverr does
  • Payment process takes 14 days
  • Work is irregular, especially when just starting out

Welcome to my honest Fiverr review!

Fiverr has been around since I started running my own online business in 2013. It is a website I have personally used multiple times, both as a business tool and as a mini business. It is a site that is often under-utilized, to both experienced and new online marketers alike. However, many people are unaware of its potential due to all of the conflicting Fiverr reviews available online today.

How can you know if it is actually reliable? How can you find out if it is safe to use?

I hope I am able to answer all of those valid questions with this honest Fiverr review.

Keep in mind this review will be from the viewpoint of a seller, rather than a buyer. It is written to help those looking to earn a living online and those who are considering using Fiverr in order to do so.

In this review, my goal is to answer all of those difficult questions and more. Above all, it is my goal to show you, rather than tell you why you should be using Fiverr yourself if you plan on trying to make money online.

*Disclaimer: This website contains affiliate links and I may earn a commission from qualifying purchases as an Amazon Affiliate when you click on the links on this post at no additional cost to you. Read my full disclaimer here*


Name: Fiverr

Website URL:

Cost: Free to sign up

Verdict: Legit and Recommended
Overall Rating: dollar symboldollar symboldollar symboldollar symboldollar symbol
Summary: Fiverr is a legitimate online platform that allows users to pay for the services they need. These “gig” offerings help benefit both customer and freelancer.


Honest Fiverr Review: What Is It?

An image of the Fiverr homepage
An image of the Fiverr homepage

Fiverr is an online marketplace that offers online freelancing services offered by freelancers from across the globe. It was originally founded in 2010, with the idea in mind to help people both make money by offering digital services to people who are in need of those services. 

Originally, its name derived from the price users could expect to pay for its services: $5 or less. Today however, with the site’s rise in popularity, the base cost for a gig is still $5, but sellers can now offer higher-quality gigs for a higher price tag.

The services that are offered on Fiverr can include:

  • Graphic design
  • Content writing
  • Website traffic
  • Marketing
  • Video and editing
  • Creative and unusual
  • Business and virtual assisting
  • Podcasting and audio editing


Pros. vs. Cons.

a green thumbs up Pros:

  • Sellers can work on a variety of different projects
  • A great way to earn extra cash
  • Easy to navigate and easy to use website interface
  • Free to sign up


  • Prices for services will vary. Can affect how much a freelancer will earn
  • You don’t own your clients. Fiverr does
  • Payment process takes 14 days
  • Work is irregular, especially when just starting out

How to Make Money on Fiverr: How Much Money Can You Make?

How much you can make will depend on several factors:

  • What niche you are targeting
  • What your gig is
  • What is included in your gig
  • Any add-ons included in your gig
  • How long it takes to complete your gig
  • How many reviews you have
  • How you are marketing your service online

It goes without saying, when you are first starting out as a seller on Fiverr, you won’t make money immediately on the site. It will take some time before your gig is visible and gaining steady traffic. This is of course, if you aren’t marketing your gig yourself. Once it begins to reach some traffic, people will begin to either buy the gig, or message you directly asking more about it. Without reviews, it will be hard to secure your first gig purchase and even then, you want to make sure you do your very best so you can achieve a great review right off the bat.

An image of a gig listed on
An image of a gig listed on

Once your gig begins to receive regular traffic, your earning potential is virtually limitless. There is no cap to how many times people can purchase your gig and no cap to how much money you can make. In the end, it is completely up to you, how much work you can handle and what your average turnaround is.


Is Fiverr a Scam?

No, it isn’t.

As I stated at the beginning of this review, Fiverr has been around ever since I started working online. As early as 2013 it has been a reputable marketplace with thousands of freelancers using it to make a living online. While it does have its own disadvantages, it is 100% legitimate.


Fiverr Reviews: What Are Users Saying About It?

Don’t want to make my word for it? Then don’t! Check out the reviews below from actual past and current members of the site that have been using it to earn money. Learn from their experience and gauge for yourself whether Fiverr is worth trying.

An image of a review left by a freelancer on
An image of a review left by a freelancer on
A screenshot of a review left by a person using as a freelancing platform.
A screenshot of a review left by a person using as a freelancing platform.
A screenshot of a review about left on
A screenshot of a review about left on
A image of a review about left on
A image of a review about left on


Fiverr Review: The Bottomline

Listen, I wouldn’t be honest if I didn’t admit my own bias when it comes to Fiverr. The truth is I have used it to work from home and have done so successfully. Have I made thousands? Not with Fiverr. However, that is more on me than the site itself. I never marketed by writing gigs on Fiverr. Not once. I just plastered them on there and see what stuck out to people Fiverr sent to my gig. 

With that said, I am confident that if you made an actual effort marketing your own gig, you could go far with it. Fiverr is a great resource for freelancers looking to make money online and it is one you shouldn’t pass up. 

In the end, use your best judgement. Consider if Fiverr is going to be worth your time and effort or if it would be better to focus your efforts elsewhere.

Final Verdict:
Legitimate and Recommended


Have you used Fiverr to make money online? If so, what has been your experience with the site? Let us know in the comments below!

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A digital marketing and ecommerce specialist with a passion for teaching others how to succeed in the digital space.

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