Wealthy Affiliate Review | Is It Still Legitimate or a Scam?

Are You Ready to Earn a Living Online?


Are you tired of the daily commute? Are you done with the traditional 9 to 5? With a laptop and an internet connection I managed to build my own business while also working remotely to earn over $100K a year, and my life completely changed. Let me show you exactly how I’ve been doing it for more than 10 years.

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This isn’t just another Wealthy Affiliate review.

This is an in-depth insight into a program from a person who has been a successful member for 6 years. While I know I may be biased in this regard, it doesn’t mean I won’t be straight up and honest with you from the very beginning.

When I first came across Wealthy Affiliate, it was after coming across it randomly on a blog. I came across a similar Wealthy Affiliate review, where the writer shared his own positive experience with the program. After reading the review, I had to admit, it had my attention almost immediately. I decided to check it out personally, signing up for a free account and accessing free lessons almost immediately.

Looking back after 9 years, it was the best decision I ever made.

The thing is, you are in that exact position I was in all those years ago. I know you are probably asking yourself, what makes Wealthy Affiliate so special? What makes it better than all of those other programs that claim to help you to work from home the legit way?

In this in-depth Wealthy Affiliate review, I will give you those answers so you can see for yourself, WHY Wealthy Affiliate is probably one of the best programs online today.

Disclaimer: This website contains affiliate links and I may earn a commission from qualifying purchases as an Amazon Affiliate when you click on the links on this post at no additional cost to you. Read my full disclaimer here.


image of a pinterest image titled: Wealthy Affiliate review
Is Wealthy Affiliate a program that will make you one of the wealthy?

Wealthy Affiliate Review

What is Wealthy Affiliate?

Wealthy Affiliate is a highly popular training platform, specifically designed to help people with no, little or moderate marketing experience. The training platform is designed to help people learn how to make a living online doing exactly what they love. It was originally created in 2005 by founders Kyle and Carson and grew to over 1.5 million members since its start.


Pros vs. Cons

The Good Stuff

  • Different levels of training-this can benefit any member, regardless of experience in the online space.
  • Hands-On Training-Wealthy Affiliate offers in-depth training on a variety of subjects all designed to help you make money online. The program offers training through the use of training videos, tutorials, and hands-on reading courses.
  • Over 1.5 million members worldwide-while this may seem like an impressive number, it means that you have 1.5 million people online at different times, all that can reach out to you or others whenever they are in need.
  • Live Help-Wealthy Affiliate offers an exclusive chat 24/7 where you can get the help you need at a moment’s notice.
  • Website Hosting Included-if you own a website, with a membership with Wealthy Affiliate, you can host it on WA’s servers. I have been using these servers for years and have yet to encounter any issues in service.
  • Talk with others in the industry-with the help of live weekly training webinars, you get to learn from industry experts and get advice on how to increase your monthly income.
  • 2 Free Websites-with a membership with Wealthy Affiliate, you don’t even have to worry about spending money upfront for website costs. Just being a member gives you access to two free websites.
  • Spam Free Environment-Wealthy Affiliate takes the safety of its members seriously. That is why you don’t have to worry about spam or coming across potential scams while visiting the site.
  • FREE Membership-one of the main benefits to Wealthy Affiliate is the membership. It is Free. Zip! Nada! ZILCH! You don’t pay for a thing when you sign up. No credit card required, ALWAYS!

The Not So Good Stuff

  • Information Overload-there is so much information Wealthy Affiliate has to offer, sometimes it can be overwhelming for members.


Wealthy Affiliate Training: What’s Included

There are so many tools Wealthy Affiliate has to offer, that if I were to write about all of them, I would never get this review finished. So, I will try to keep things as simple as possible.

The training that is offered within Wealthy Affiliate is not only comprehensive but is kept current to keep up with the latest trends and changes in the online space. The training is tailor-made to educate those with all levels of marketing experience, from NO experience to experienced marketers who have been in the game for a while. Here’s a closer look at what you can expect from the training offered.

Live Weekly Webinars

Wealthy Affiliate review-a look at the training
A look a past and upcoming live webinars available to Wealthy Affiliate premium members.

These webinars are hosted live over Wealthy Affiliate and are exclusive to premium members. Every Friday, Wealthy Affiliate premium members can attend live webinars with the most successful members of the community to learn about a variety of topics such as:

  • Live website audits
  • Tracking and Scaling Conversions
  • Ranking elements of SEO
  • Writing content that converts
  • Building a Local marketing business
  • Instagram Posting Strategies
  • Automation Strategies
  • Building a convincing call to action
  • And much more!


Specific Classrooms Covering Various Topics

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Some of the classrooms available to premium Wealthy Affiliate members.

One of the most impressive aspects of Wealthy Affiliate is the various classrooms available to Free, Premium and Premium Plus members. The classrooms of Wealthy Affiliate covers topics such as:

  • Building a traffic producing website
  • Making money
  • Mastering social media
  • Maximum content creation strategies
  • Using visual aesthetics to build a brand
  • Content, keywords, and conversion
  • The power of PPC
  • How to scale PPC campaigns
  • And much more!

Member to Member Training

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The training created by a member of Wealthy Affiliate.

Most of the members of Wealthy Affiliate are very active within the community. While many of them will remain active in the live chat, even more create training modules to share with others in the community. Most of these training modules are made to pass on experience or even fun tidbits they discovered on their own and wish to share with others.


Wealthy Affiliate Tools: What’s Included

As part of the Wealthy Affiliate membership, you are immediately granted access to a variety of tools at your disposal, all designed to help you succeed in your online money-making venture. Some of the tools available to member include:

Keyword Tool 

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A glimpse at Jaaxy, Wealthy Affiliate keyword tool accessible through the WA dashboard.

There are really no other keyword tools out there that quite compare to the one offered by Wealthy Affiliate. As part of their Jaaxy program, the keyword tools offers excellent information pertaining to certain keywords such as competition, QSR (ability to rank #1 for that keyword), Alphabet Soup tool and keyword comparison.

Website Builder

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Wealthy Affiliate’s website builder in action

Even if you have no experience building a website, you will be able to build your own using Wealthy Affiliate’s website builder tool. This tool allows you to build a custom WordPress website in just a few clicks, using over 100 free WordPress themes at your disposal.


State of the art Hosting 

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Look into the website management dashboard in Wealthy Affiliate

With Wealthy Affiliate’s hosting platform, you can host as many websites as you wish, with custom website support in case you have a problem. To date, I have yet to have a problem with their hosting and am currently hosting 5 websites with them myself.


Site Content

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Site content dashboard

Have trouble crafting content yourself? With the help of Wealthy Affiliate’s Site Content tool, it helps you to take the guesswork out of creating content. With pre-made writing templates and access to royalty-free images, you can craft converting content targeting your keywords easy.


Wealthy Affiliate Membership: What’s the Difference?

As I have stated in this review, there are two types of memberships offered by Wealthy Affiliate: The Free membership, Premium membership and Premium Plus membership. Now, there are distinct differences between each membership and I will explain them below.


The Free Membership:

  • Hosting for 2 Websites
  • 10 Free Lessons from the Online Entrepreneur Certification
  • Limited access to Jaaxy keyword tool
  • Limited commissions
  • Access to Live Chat

The Premium Membership:

  • Full commissions
  • Hosting of unlimited websites
  • Access to live weekly webinars
  • Access to over 50 lessons and classrooms
  • Access to Affiliate Bootcamp which contains 70 lessons
  • Access to Site Content with royalty-free images
  • Ability to have a chance to win a trip Las Vegas
  • Access to Direct Messaging to other Members

The Premium Plus Membership

  • 200+ Expert Classes per Year
  • Beginner Website and Hosting Package
  • 50 Premium Websites
  • Advanced Hosting Suite
  • Priority Expert Private Help
  • Access to Jaaxy Enterprise (Typically $99 monthly)
  • Instant Competition Analysis for Your Sites
  • Automated Domain Availability Search
  • Keyword-Threaded Search
  • All Features Available to Premium Members


Wealthy Affiliate Complaints

I am fully aware that Wealthy Affiliate is far from the perfect program. Ever since I have joined, there have been a few issues here and there, but I have still stuck around.


I wouldn’t waste 6 years of my life with a program that doesn’t work. Because IT WORKS is the reason I have stuck around.

Whenever you read complaints from people about Wealthy Affiliate, some of those are legitimate concerns. Some have complained that it takes longer to make money than you are led on. Some will complain that all you do is write reviews to get traffic. Some will even complain that the program revolves around an MLM scam.

None of those are true. Again, I have been around for 6 years. What I can tell you is that if you are told you will make thousands with Wealthy Affiliate, don’t believe it. Is it possible? Of course, but how long it takes to get there depends on the person. Making thousands of dollars online is a process, one that can take months or years depending on the niche.

As far as writing reviews or the program revolving around an MLM scam, that is also a claim not founded in truth. Content writing is important to any aspect of an online business, regardless if it is affiliate marketing or not. I work as a digital marketer for various startup companies in my area. I can tell you content marketing is an important part of the business even with them. Whether it is writing reviews, writing product descriptions or writing around the best of the best product, content is IMPORTANT. Without it, you won’t make a cent online…period.

As far as an MLM scam goes, there is no pyramid when it comes to the commissions to Wealthy Affiliate. If you choose to promote Wealthy Affiliate, you earn a basic commission if people pay for the premium membership. But that is it. You don’t even have to promote Wealthy Affiliate if you don’t want. You can CHOOSE to. There are thousands of members at Wealthy Affiliate who don’t. That decision is up to you.


Make Money with Wealthy Affiliate: HOW MUCH CAN YOU ACTUALLY MAKE?

Now, this is the real core of the issue and for some people, this can be a make or break factor.

I’m not going to sit here and tell you that you will make thousands with Wealthy Affiliate. Hell, I’m not even going to sit here and tell you that you will make a single dime off of Wealthy Affiliate. However, I will tell you it is possible.

Everybody’s earning potential will vary based on a variety of factors: niche, marketing efforts, paid vs free advertising, email list, call to action, etc.

Personally, this is what I have earned from Wealthy Affiliate and this number continues to grow every month. Keep in mind, these numbers weren’t granted without sacrifice and a lot of hard work behind it, but it is nice to see the fruit of my labor, even if I didn’t see it immediately.

Wealthy Affiliate review-how much can you make with wealthy affiliate
How much money currently sits in my Wealthy Affiliate account.


Wealthy Affiliate review-how much can you make with wealthy affiliate
My current PayPal balance (after spending a little too much on Black Friday 🙂 )


Wealthy Affiliate review-how much can you make with wealthy affiliate
Recent Wealthy Affiliate deposit.



Wealthy Affiliate Review: The Bottomline

I’ll be the first to admit that I may be biased when it comes to my Wealthy Affiliate review. Again, I have been with the program for 6 years and have no plan on leaving anytime soon. Again, I wouldn’t waste my breath on something unless it was worth it and Wealthy Affiliate is worth it if you want to take a step in the right direction to make a living online. Sure, this program may not be for everyone. But, if you want to learn what it takes to make money online and want to learn essential marketing skills you can take with you into the workforce, then Wealthy Affiliate is a great place to check out.

Final Verdict:

Highly Recommended!


My Special Sign Up Offer

The problem with trying to make money online is that most of the time, you end up doing it on your own. Doing it on your own can be successful in some cases, but for others, it just ends up being confusing. When this happens up to 80% of people end up giving up.

I don’t want you to be one of these people. That is why when you sign up for my FREE Premium training course, not only will you get two free eBooks and a free Wealthy Affiliate starter account, but you will also get my help. With my premium course, I will walk you through STEP-BY-STEP how to start your profitable online business and be there to answer any questions you may have along the way.

If you get stuck? I’ll be there too!

In the end, when you succeed, so do I.

So, what are you waiting for?

Sign up for my Premium Training today! See you on the inside!