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Make Money Writing Online: Cash in On Your Writing Talent!

Are You Ready to Earn a Living Online?


Are you tired of the daily commute? Are you done with the traditional 9 to 5? With a laptop and an internet connection I managed to build my own business while also working remotely to earn over $100K a year, and my life completely changed. Let me show you exactly how I’ve been doing it for more than 10 years.

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Did you know you can make money writing online?

When I first started my online journey, I had no clue this was possible. I have always had a passion for writing and wanted to eventually make a living with it. But like many others, I didn’t realize that dream could actually become a reality. I just had to learn how to do it.

That is the reason this post exists. I don’t want you to end up in the same place I was in when I first started. By the end of this post, I hope to be able to point you in the direction so you too can turn your passion for writing into a lucrative online career.

Disclaimer: This website contains affiliate links and I may earn a commission from qualifying purchases as an Amazon Affiliate when you click on the links on this post at no additional cost to you. Read my full disclaimer here.


how to make money writing online

How to Make Money Writing Online: The Truth

Look, here’s the thing: most writers never get rich online.

There, I said it!

The key to making money with your writing is to keep your goals as realistic as possible. Don’t make goals that are so unrealistic, you’ll end up giving up well before you have even started!


Getting Started: What You Need to Know

Luckily, you don’t need much in order to start writing. In fact, you probably have everything you already need to get started. Some of the essentials you need include:

  • A computer
  • A stable Internet connection
  • A word processing program such as Microsoft Word
  • Editing software such as Grammarly
  • A self-starting attitude

Are You Ready to Earn a Living Online?


Are you tired of the daily commute? Are you done with the traditional 9 to 5? With a laptop and an internet connection I managed to build my own business while also working remotely to earn over $100K a year, and my life completely changed. Let me show you exactly how I’ve been doing it for more than 10 years.

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Top 8 Ways to Make Money Writing Online

There are literally hundreds of ways you can make money writing online today. So much, in fact, it can be hard to tell you the fool-proof way to earn a little extra money. That is why in this post, I have narrowed it down to the most lucrative ways you can make money from your writing. 


1. Starting a Blog

make money online writing

Out of any method I will talk about in this post, starting your own blog is perhaps the most lucrative of them all. Take it from me: I have been blogging for well over 7 years now. Why have I done it for this long? Easy! It is because it works!

What is a blog?

A blog is a website that is used to express your thoughts, knowledge, or favorite things to share with others online. Blogs are typically made using a platform such as WordPress. You can focus on a specific niche (or area of interest) and write content for your blog within that niche. Each post or page uploaded to a blog typically centers around a singular keyword. Once posted you can monetize it by either:

  • Applying clickable ads to the post and get paid via clicks to that ad
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Selling your own product or service
  • Uploading a sponsored post

While you won’t make hundreds of dollars overnight, over time, and with consistent quality content, you can make well more than you do at your current full-time job.

Learn how to create your own money-making blog here.


2. Guest Blogging

make money writing

Another fast way to make money writing online is by getting paid to write posts on another person’s blog.

What is guest blogging? 

Guest blogging is simply that: posting on another person’s blog as a “guest.” This works by pitching topic ideas to another niche relevant site. It is best to look for blogs who are willing to pay for your content idea. It is best to look at the content currently on the site you want to guest post to in order to get an idea of the style of writing unique to that blog.

Keep in mind, there are plenty of blogs that pay in everything else other than cash. For example, some blogs may pay in traffic back to your own blog via credit to your post or a backlink to your site. It is important to understand payment terms with a blog prior to writing for them so you know exactly what you are getting for the content you create.

Check out a current list of blogs that will pay you to guest post here.


3. Write and Sell Your eBook

make money online writing

Nowadays it is even easier for aspiring authors to write and publish their books. Hell, it can even give you some extra money too. Today, even more people will buy ebooks than they would have years ago for one simple reason: they want to learn something. Writing and selling your own ebooks gives you the greatest amount of control over your work than any publishing company can give you. It can also help you to build authority in a specific niche and become the go-to author readers need to answer the questions they are asking.

It doesn’t take much to publish your own book, other than some good ‘ole writing work. All you need to do is:

  • Figure out your niche
  • Create an eye-catching title
  • Write your book
  • Format your book to meet self-publishing standards
  • Get a cover that is eye-catching
  • Put your book on sale 
  • Create a landing page for your site
  • Market it to potential readers via blog posts, ppc or social media

In order to succeed in the self-publishing industry, the key is to be persistent and to be commercially minded.

4. Create Your Own Writing Service

make money writing

In the past few years, content marketing has been the most popular way to draw visitors to a website and gain customers. Because of this, you would be surprised how many people are willing to pay for a quality writing service to create their website content for them. This demand has undoubtedly created many businesses that are currently searching for services that can provide them with articles, content posts, case studies, and guest posts to help boost traffic to their site.

And guess what?

They are more than willing to fork over a ton of money for you.

This is a great service to offer if you are confident in your writing abilities. However, you will need to put in a little extra work, in the beginning, to show companies what kind of content you can produce. With a quality writing portfolio, a successful track record of offering the best content, and great reviews, businesses both online and offline will be rushing to your service.

5. Become a Freelance Writer

make money online writing

Another popular way to make money online writing today is to become a freelance writer. Freelancing is the means of completing projects or jobs in exchange for payment. Freelancers are typically self-employed and as such, make their own schedule, find their own jobs, and are essentially their own boss. It is the easiest way to make money online writing and one that can have long-term success as long as the freelancer is able to supply quality work.

As a freelance writer, you can specialize in any area of writing such as

  • Copywriting
  • Ghostwriting
  • Content writing
  • Rewriting
  • Article writing
  • Guest writing
  • eBook writing
  • etc

The key to success as a freelance writer is to specialize in one of these areas and to build a quality portfolio that showcases your best work.

Learn more about freelancing with this in-depth guide here.


6. Become an Affiliate Marketer

make money writing

If you want to be in charge of where your money comes from and what you write, becoming an affiliate marketer is the best solution for you. While it can be tough to do, especially to build a popular site that will pretty much sell products for you on autopilot, it can be extremely lucrative if you do it right.

Promoting affiliate products on a niche related site is a smart way to earn money from your writing. It will give you the opportunity to write about the things you love the most and share those things with people who share the same interest. Best of all, there is not much you need to do other than writing. An affiliate product has already been made for you and has already built its own customer reviews. All you have to do is promote the product and watch the money trickle in.

Many affiliate products you can find pay out a commission of 50% or more. The real work comes in finding the right products for you to promote and ones that you are willing to stake your reputation on. Of course, you will also have to focus on creating quality content, building an email list, and promoting your written posts. But do that and you can earn your own passive income in no time.

Learn more about affiliate marketing with this in-depth guide here.


7. Become a Copywriter

make money online writing

Copywriting is a specific type of writing that businesses crave to convert visitors into customers. It is essentially a type of writing that focuses on guiding readers to take a certain action. While this type of writing may not be necessarily unique, it does require its one discipline that you will not find in any other type of writing. 

Copywriting can include:

  • Creating sales letters
  • Writing video scripts
  • Writing product descriptions
  • Crafting converting landing pages

Even if you don’t have any experience in copywriting, you can take the time to learn how to write a great copy that will convert the moment it is published. Keep in mind, learning to become a copywriter does have its monetary benefits. It is estimated that most copywriters can make upwards of $1,500 per post, especially if that post has a high conversion rate.

8. Network and Reach Out for Writing Opportunities

make money networking

Perhaps the best way to get started in the online writing industry is to reach out yourself and ask around who is looking for writing work. This can include your own friends and family even! Most people today could always use:

  • Resumes
  • Converting email newsletters
  • Invitations to events
  • Brochures
  • etc

You can even use Craigslist to your advantage by using the gigs or writing section to see if there are job postings looking for writing work. Do your part and put yourself out there. Nobody will know about your writing work if you don’t reach out!


Educate Yourself and Increase Your Earnings

Educate yourself

Above all, the most important thing you can do to make money from your writing is to make sure you are always taking the time to educate yourself and expand your skills. This can include picking up an eBook about a specific type of writing, taking an online course on content writing, or even taking a course locally on marketing. Keep learning and add to your writing resume. I promise you it helps!

Above all, if you want to be successful, do what it takes to learn about the process and expand your skills to incorporate skills businesses are looking for right now in a writer. Do that and in no time you will be able to make enough money as an online writer to support yourself and live out your dreams.


Make Money Writing Online: The Bottomline

By the end of this post, I hope you have learned not only how you can make money writing online but have learned how easy it is to do. The key to success is to make sure you never put all of your eggs in one basket. Don’t just choose one of these methods and stick to it. Choose a few to help build short-term and long-term earnings.


How Do You Actually Make Money Online?

 Take it from somebody who has been working online for a living since July 2013: there are literally hundreds of ways you can make money on the Internet. If you want to make money online using one of the easiest methods today, then you should follow my EXACT method.

 The wonderful thing is you don’t have to have any special skills to make money using my method. I didn’t when I first started and yet I was able to make a full-time living in just a few weeks.

 If I can do it, so can you!

Get started in EXACTLY the same place I learned to work from where and the place that taught me how to build my own profitable online business from the ground up. It was the place that taught me how to make money creating content about the very things I was passionate about: writing, video games, pet, and even cooking!

Sign up for my 100% free (yes, you read that right) course and learn from me exclusively. When you sign up, you will get everything you need to be successful: 2 free websites, premium website hosting, and a combination of 20 free lessons delivered straight to you!

Check out my free money-making course by clicking here!

 See you on the inside!

Make Money Writing Online: Cash in On Your Writing Talent!
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Make Money Writing Online: Cash in On Your Writing Talent!
It doesn't take rocket science or even a ton of money in order to learn how to make money online writing. Follow this in-depth guide to learn what you need to get started, different writing money-making methods online, and what it takes to start earning a decent income from your writing talent.
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A digital marketing and ecommerce specialist with a passion for teaching others how to succeed in the digital space.

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