Day 6: Setting Goals

Are You Ready to Earn a Living Online?


Are you tired of the daily commute? Are you done with the traditional 9 to 5? With a laptop and an internet connection I managed to build my own business while also working remotely to earn over $100K a year, and my life completely changed. Let me show you exactly how I’ve been doing it for more than 10 years.

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Welcome to the official Day 6 of my Online Money Making Course!

Bet you didn’t see this one coming! LOL!

The truth was that I couldn’t fit everything I wanted to discuss with you into just a few short days. So instead, I decided to send out this bonus email to you. There isn’t anything too difficult that we are going to cover in this lesson. In fact, I’m hoping that it will be somewhat fun for you.

Today I want to talk to you about the 3 most important factors that can lead to your success as an Internet marketer and online business owner.

  1. Setting Goals For Yourself
  2. Taking Action
  3. Learning From Your Mistakes

In simplified terms, break it down like this:

  1. Plan out what you want to do
  2. DO IT!
  3. Do it even better next time

The truth is:


Some People Only Follow Step #1

There are many people out there who plan, plan, plan, plan and plan some more but never actually do anything which ultimately results in their failure.

Some People Tend To Skip Step #2

What does this mean? It means that these people tend to just jump right into this opportunity 100% without actually thinking it through. While it is better than doing nothing, but it just means they are creating more obstacles for themselves.

Many People Forget To Do Step #3

This is where the majority of online marketers do. They will plan out exactly what to do, end up doing it and if it doesn’t work in their favor, they give up right then and there. Keep in mind that nobody starts out perfect. In order to become great online marketers, we NEED to make mistakes, then learn from those mistakes before we see success.

Instead of thinking that you have failed, you need to look at it from a different perspective. For example, let’s take what Franklin and Edison once stated of their past mistakes. They both said, “I didn’t fail in finding the solution, I simply succeeded in finding the wrong way to reach the solution.”

That is a perfect way to look at your mistakes in online marketing. Instead of angry about not getting it right, look at your mistakes as a means to improve your business for the future. Doing so will ensure that you have a happy and wealthy life ahead of you.

What most noobies tend to forget is that online marketing is all about finding YOUR OWN path, finding what works for you and then perfecting it so that you can make money.


Here is what I want you to do today:

Set some goals for yourself. Ask yourself, “Where do I want to be in one year? Where do I want to be in five years?”

Once you have that figured out, write down the steps you want to take to reach that goal.

Be specific about the goals that you want to reach. Don’t just jot down that you want to be rich. Actually write down a concrete number.

Once you have done that, make a plan to reach it and then execute that plan. If it isn’t working analyze it before giving up and then make up another plan. Once that plan is set, follow it.

This is exactly how successful online business owners work.



I also wanted to take the time to remind you that time is running out pretty quick for the discounted price on your premium Wealthy Affiliate Membership. This also means time is running out to grab my bonus only for those who take this course: My Foolproof Traffic System. Remember, my Foolproof Traffic System includes a complete package containing my secret to driving huge amounts of traffic to help you earn even more money online. This system is complete with a free eBook detailing my traffic generating process, a complete checklist for you to follow my steps EXACTLY and a full resource guide that is yours to keep FOREVER.

Depending on when you actually set up your free account, I am going to take a pretty good guess that you have about 1 day left on that countdown…

If you haven’t already done so, I suggest that you check out my honest review of Wealthy Affiliate to see all of the factors of why you should consider a premium Wealthy Affiliate membership. It is even more amazing at a discounted price of $19.


Tasks For Today

1. Write Down Some Short and Long Term Goals For Yourself

Remember, BE SPECIFIC!

2. Make A Plan

Come with an actual plan that you can implement to reach the goals you have written down.


Take a closer look at your plan and get started!


Don’t worry, I believe in you 100%. I know you can reach the same level of success I have reached. You just have to do it 🙂 Good luck!

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