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Zendyx Affiliate System Review

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Are you tired of the daily commute? Are you done with the traditional 9 to 5? With a laptop and an internet connection I managed to build my own business while also working remotely to earn over $100K a year, and my life completely changed. Let me show you exactly how I’ve been doing it for more than 10 years.

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Zendyx Affiliate System


Overall Rating



  • Offers a 60 day money-back guarantee


  • Makes outrageous income claims
  • Testimonials are actually paid testimonials from
  • Uses fake ClickBank screenshots
  • Uses multiple upsells

Zendyx Affiliate System is an online system that claims to leverage the power of affiliate marketing to help regular people make money online. 

With a $1,200 a day earnings claim, I can understand how the opportunity can seem tempting.

In this Zendyx Affiliate System review, we will look closely at this program to see if it actually lives up to its promises or learn if it is a system you should avoid at all costs!

*Disclaimer: This website contains affiliate links and I may earn a commission from qualifying purchases as an Amazon Affiliate when you click on the links on this post at no additional cost to you. Read my full disclaimer here*

Zenyx affiliate system

My Honest Zendyx Affiliate System Review


Name: Zendyx Affiliate System

Website URL:

Owner: Mark Evans

Advertised Price: $39 plus multiple upsells

Overall Rating: dollar symbol
Verdict: Not Recommended

Summary: Zendyx Affiliate system is an online system that claims to teach you how to make nearly $100K in a single month, but it is a system that doesn’t even bother to live up to its claims.


What Is The Zendyx Affiliate System?

Zenyx affiliate system

The Zendyx Affiliate System is an online system that claims to help you make up to $100,000 in one month just by spending 30 minutes a day using the system. 

What the system is, you aren’t told upfront except that it is a product that can help you make money promoting products from ClickBank as an affiliate marketer.


What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is when you, as an “affiliate,” promote another company’s products in exchange for a commission.

It is a legitimate online money making method, but it is not as easy as the creator of this program claims it to be.

Take it from me. I’ve been a successful affiliate marketer for 7 years.

While it can be a huge moneymaker. Yet, without knowledge of how to successfully market products using methods such as email marketing, creating lead capture pages, using paid advertising methods to gain leads, and how to convert leads into sales, there is no way a beginner will get even close to making $100,000 a month.


Pros. vs. Cons.


  • Offers a 60-day money-back guarantee


  • Makes outrageous income claims
  • Testimonials are actually paid testimonials from
  • Uses fake ClickBank screenshots
  • Uses multiple upsells


What I Don’t Like

Let’s get into the meat of the matter, all of the things I don’t like about this system. There is a lot to uncover here.

Fake Testimonials

One of the number one red flags I always look for when it comes to these reviews is whether or not the program uses fake testimonials. Well, the Zendyx Affiliate System is, unfortunately, one of those programs that use fakes testimonials.

Just take a look at the testimonial of the man right at the beginning of the initial promotional video for Zendyx Affiliate System. At first glance, he seems like a regular guy. 

Zenyx affiliate system

Until you begin to scour and find the same man who offers his spokesperson services for any product for a small fee.

Zenyx affiliate system

After seeing this, you have to ask yourself, if a system is so great, why do you need to hire fake spokespeople to say great things about it? Why not let those who use it and who have succeeded make their own testimonials and use those?

It is simple: because nobody is succeeding with this system.

Makes Outrageous Income Claims

Right from the start of the promotional video, you are told you can make up to $100,000 in one month just by using Zendyx. As the video goes on, you are shown a variety of images of luxury homes, sports cars, and the type of life many of us could only dream of.

These are known as emotional triggers. They are only used as a means to drive an emotional response from people to push them towards a purchase.

None of these images are actually anything you will personally obtain with this system. It is all just smoke and mirrors.

Multiple Upsells

Look, the goal of marketing is to make money. EVERY product sold online has an upsell to it. That is the way to make a decent living online. You start off with a cheap product to gain leads to your sales funnel, only to send them higher-priced offers as they continue through your funnel.

Zenyx affiliate system
Zenyx Affiliate System Review by an actual member

With that said, the initial $39 price tag is the first of many you will find. The moment you pay for the initial product, you will begin being hammered with offer after offer. This can end up equating to well over $1,000 that the program will ask from you.


Is Zendyx Affiliate System a Scam?

Yes and no.

No, because you do receive a product upon paying the initial $39 feed.

Yes, because you are given all these promises of the kind of money you can make using this system. The truth is up to 99% of customers will never achieve those results.


My Final Opinion

After carefully looking at Zendyx Affiliate System, it is a system I highly recommend STAYING AWAY FROM. You are fed misleading income claims right from the beginning, not given any information that can actually make you a living online, and a site that uses fake screenshots as well as testimonials in order to make the offer more enticing. Right from the beginning, this system is nothing more than a farce, putting on a fake face just to get you through the door.

There are more honest opportunities out there that will actually give you the information you need to make money online, without any of the lies associated.

Final Verdict:
Not Recommended


Have you tried the Zendyx Affiliate System? If so, what was your experience with it? Let me know in the comments below!


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Zendyx Affiliate System


A digital marketing and ecommerce specialist with a passion for teaching others how to succeed in the digital space.

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