Legit OpportunitiesReviews

The Level Rewards Scam: No Rewards In Sight!

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Are you tired of the daily commute? Are you done with the traditional 9 to 5? With a laptop and an internet connection I managed to build my own business while also working remotely to earn over $100K a year, and my life completely changed. Let me show you exactly how I’ve been doing it for more than 10 years.

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Level Rewards


Overall Rating



  • Free to sign up
  • Some credit offers are free or cheap
  • Can possibly earn over $100 a day if done correctly


  • Most new members give up after the first day
  • You must sign up for offers with a credit card
  • Won’t be able to earn a full-time income

The Level Rewards scam has been around for a long time, long before the program itself was even called Level Rewards. You see, I first came across Level Rewards back when it was originally called Instant Rewards. The thing most people don’t realize is that both of these programs while having different names, work in pretty much the same way.

Let’s get into my honest Level Rewards review so you can see firsthand how this scam works.

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  Level Rewards review

The Level Rewards Scam: My Honest Review



Name: Level Rewards

Website URL: www.levelrewards.com

Owner: Lidel Smith

Advertised Price: Free to sign up

Overall Rating: 

Verdict: Legit, but not worth it



Program Overview

Level Rewards is an incentivized offer program. This program works very similar to the same way Instant Rewards worked. With a Level Rewards membership, you as a member promote the program to others. The people you promote the product to then sign up for a free trial offer or free trial service offered by the program. In exchange, you receive “rewards” which can include PayPal cash deposits or specialty items like a laptop. To keep it simple: for every person that signs up and takes part in a trial, you receive an incentive.

Level Rewards

Unlike Instant Rewards, Level Rewards uses a level system. Hence the name. With every offer that is completed by you, you are placed on a higher-level tier within the program. The higher the tier, the more money you make.


The Good Stuff vs. The Bad Stuff

The Good:

  • Free to sign up
  • Some credit offers are free or cheap
  • Can possibly earn over $100 a day if done correctly

The Bad:

  • Most new members give up after the first day
  • You must sign up for offers with a credit card
  • Won’t be able to earn a full-time income


Is Level Rewards a Scam?

Actually, no it isn’t a scam.

However, it is not the lucrative opportunity many members try to make it out as. While it is a program that works, the main issue lies with most of the new members who sign up. Once they sign up, new members typically aren’t given all of the tools and resources they need to promote the program to others successfully. This is the reason up to 98% of members fail almost immediately. 

As a member of Level Rewards, your success will end up depending on how well you can market to others. This can include learning how to use Facebook ads, how to market via a converting email campaign, creating a landing page, copywriting, pay-per-click campaign set up, etc. Unless you have actual experience with setting up marketing campaigns, the likelihood of you making any money just by referring friends and family is pretty slim.


Who is Level Rewards For?

This program is made especially for people who want to make money online. It is also made for those with varying levels of marketing experience, ranging from no experience to an experienced marketer.


Training and Support: What to Expect?

As far as training goes, don’t expect to find much available. The only type of training you will see comes from the sponsors who bring you on and that’s IF they make training to help you succeed. Unfortunately, not many sponsors take the time to do this. 

On the other hand, when it comes to support, this is one aspect Level Rewards does right. Support is offered via the official Level Rewards Facebook page or the standard support ticketing system located in the membership dashboard.

Are You Ready to Earn a Living Online?


Are you tired of the daily commute? Are you done with the traditional 9 to 5? With a laptop and an internet connection I managed to build my own business while also working remotely to earn over $100K a year, and my life completely changed. Let me show you exactly how I’ve been doing it for more than 10 years.

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Advertised Price

The Level Rewards program is completely free to sign up for. All you need is your first name, email address, and a password. Do that and you are in! However, keep in mind there is a cost that will be associated with signing up for free and this usually comes in the form of credit offers. These credit offers can range in price from as low as $1.00 to as high as nearly $80. Of course, this fee is completely up to you. There are plenty of free offers you can sign up for, but they won’t add up to the 1 full credit you need to level up.


The Bad Stuff: What I Dislike About Level Rewards

Here’s the thing, I have personally promoted both Level Rewards and Instant Rewards and yes, I was successful in both. I made several hundred dollars with each program. However, even though I have been successful, it doesn’t mean there aren’t things I don’t like about this program.

1. The Level System

Of course, the level system of Level Rewards may seem like a great thing, at first glance. However, as you level up through the tier system unique to this program, it would only seem logical that it would become more profitable for you the higher you go. This is not the case.

Level Rewards leveling system
Credit: Level Rewards official website. Level Rewards leveling system explained.

You see, the only way the program becomes profitable is if as you advance in levels, your referrals work just as hard to level up themselves. Even if you pay out of pocket to reach the highest levels and have a ton of signups under you, it won’t make much of a difference to your bottom line if none of your referrals surpass Level 1.

2. The Member Sponsors

Much of the issues most new members have with Level Rewards is the same issue I had when I first started out with Instant Rewards: the sponsors themselves. You see, most people who promote the program are average Joes, just like you and me. However, one key difference between them and say someone like me, is that most don’t have any sense of marketing or how it works. What is worse is that unfortunately, most of the sponsors are just as hungry for money as the rest of us. This tends to make them only focus on chasing the money, not teaching others to do the same so their own wealth increases.

Because of this, one of the common problems is sponsors leaving their new members to figure out the process for themselves. As a result, many people tend to forget about the program before they truly begin.

3. Not Viable for Long-Term Success

The ultimate goal for those who work from home is to be able to do as little work as possible while still making a full-time income on a consistent basis. Unfortunately, Level Rewards is not a program that will help you achieve that. With the current business model, you will need to have a constant stream of regular referrals that complete at least 1 credit for you to earn a reoccurring income.

4. New Members Lack of Knowledge and Training

One of the most surprising things you will probably see on Level Rewards, especially if you visit their official Facebook page, is the sheer number of new members that leave comments about how lost they are.

Level Rewards
Comment left on a post on the Official Level Rewards Newbie Facebook Page.

Of course, this isn’t mostly their fault. Some of the faults falls on their sponsors who brought them in without explaining how best to promote the program themselves. The thing is, this isn’t just a one-time thing. Just look at every post and there will always be at least one new member who is asking for help. With so many people asking for help and given no direction in the process, it makes you wonder if it’s even worth the risk to try promoting the program in the first place.


The Level Rewards Scam: The Bottomline

The Level Rewards scam isn’t exactly a scam. However, to be completely honest with you, it can feel like it is when you first get into the program. The thing is, I know a good work from home opportunity when I see it. Then again, I have been in the game for a few years now and Level Rewards isn’t one of them. Don’t get me wrong. It can certainly help you to earn a little extra money here and there if you know how to promote it to others successfully. But when you compare the program to long-term success goals, Level Rewards just doesn’t meet the criteria.

Final Verdict:

Legit, but Not Worth the Effort


Have you tried Level Rewards? If so, did you agree with my review? Did you disagree with it? Regardless, let me know your thoughts in the comments below.


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A digital marketing and ecommerce specialist with a passion for teaching others how to succeed in the digital space.

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