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Commission Plan X Review

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Commission Plan X


Overall Rating



  • Money-back guarantee


  • Bold income claims
  • Uses fake testimonials
  • Many Upsells
  • Training is basic at best

Welcome to my Commission Plan X review!

My interest was piqued not too long ago when a close affiliate friend of mine told me about the program. He had said he had heard about it around the community and he wasn’t sure what to make of it. As more and more Commission Plan X reviews began to come out, the more interested I became.

So, what is Commission Plan X all about?

Let’s find out, shall we!

*Disclaimer: This website contains affiliate links and I may earn a commission from qualifying purchases as an Amazon Affiliate when you click on the links on this post at no additional cost to you. Read my full disclaimer here*

commission plan x



Name: Commission Plan X

Owner: Dylan Gardener

Advertised Price: $67 + Upsells

Overall Rating: dollar symboldollar symboldollar symbol
Verdict: Legit but not recommended

Summary: A legitimate online program that teaches newbies how to make money online by posting ads on social media. Legitimate, but not effective.


What is Commission Plan X?

commission plan x

Commission Plan X is a program that helps to teach beginners how to make money online by promoting ClickBank affiliate products on social media.

Upon close inspection, this program is nothing more than a series of 6 videos, totaling about 1 hour of watch time that offers training in a step-by-step fashion. This training walks you through how to set up social media accounts to how to post ads on social media.


Pros. vs. Cons.


  • Money-back guarantee


  • Bold income claims
  • Uses fake testimonials 
  • Many Upsells
  • Training is basic at best


What’s Included: The Training

As I said above, the entire purpose of Commission Plan X is to teach you how to promote affiliate products by utilizing a Call-to-Action button on a webpage and then sharing it on social media. Let’s take a closer look at what is included in the training in-depth.

Step One: Setting Up

  • What’s Included: System overview, setting up a cool links account, and how to join ClickBank.
  • Cool Links: The primary tool you will be using for this method. It has an initial trial cost of $1 and then a monthly charge of $34.95 after.
  • ClickBank: free to sign up


Step Two: Organizing

  • What’s Included: How to create a folder in Windows and Intro to using Google Sheets
  • What is the point: The point of this training module is to help you keep all of your affiliate related files and images in a place you can easily access. It also helps you to keep all of your affiliate links organized using Google sheets.

Step Three: Research

  • What’s Included: how to select a product to promote from ClickBank, how to grab your affiliate links, and how to find a webpage that is related to your affiliate product.


Step Four: Building a Campaign

  • What’s Included: a step-by-step guide on how to properly use the Cool Links tool from creating a profile to testing your campaign.


Step Five: How to Post Your Link

  • What’s Included: A step-by-step guide on how to post your link on Facebook and in the comments section of a related YouTube video.


Step Six: Daily Tasks

  • What’s Included: a few recommendations and tips of the daily tasks you should do in order to maximize profits.


How Much Money Can You Make with Commission Plan X?

Honestly, it depends. The main issue with this program is that it uses deceptive practices that won’t work unless you have a relatively large audience on your social media profiles. Don’t expect to make thousands, especially if you have less than 1,000 followers on your pages.

What I Don’t Like

There are plenty of negative aspects to this program that I absolutely loathe.

Deceptive Tactics

One of the biggest red flags, in my opinion, is the fact that you are taught how to make money online by using deceptive practices. It works primarily by cloaking links, so the original URL isn’t shown in the address bar. This is a tactic that allows you to sneakily advertise your affiliate product by using another person’s platform, which in my opinion, is a very scummy thing to do.

Fake Testimonials Used

There are plenty of testimonials throughout the promotional video that is used to make it seem people are making thousands of dollars using this program. It isn’t until you look closer that you find most of these testimonials are fake. 

commission plan x

commission plan x

It seems the owner of this product uses spokesperson services from the website, from various sellers it seems. This is used to make the offer more enticing. Who wouldn’t purchase a product when other people have claimed to be making thousands of dollars a day using it?

Cool Links

Another thing I hate about this program is the fact that in order to use the system properly, you need to purchase a membership with Cool Links. There isn’t much of a choice in it either. Without Cool Links, you can really cloak your affiliate link. The thing is, there are cheaper and much better alternatives that you can use instead.

Is Commission Plan X a Scam?

To be honest, no it isn’t.

For the price advertised, you ARE getting training that can be useful and you are given access to a system that can work for people who have large audiences. 

But if it works for the average person as it claims, it fails in that regard. 


Commission Plan X Reviews

Don’t believe what I have to say about Commission Plan X?

That’s ok! Don’t take my word for it. Take a look at some of these reviews left by past and current members of Commission Plan X below!

commission plan x reviews

commission plan x reviews

My Final Opinion

While Commission Plan X is a legitimate program, it isn’t a program I’d recommend, both to new and experienced online entrepreneurs. Even if it isn’t a scam, it is still a deceptive program that is focused on teaching you how to make money using deceptive methods. There are much better ways to make an honest living online, many of which don’t focus on deceiving your audience in the process.

When you promote an affiliate product or program, it all comes down to trust. Your audience looks to you and your content as an authority figure in your niche. Most audiences will trust your word because you have built that relationship with them. Using a program like Commission Plan X is a sure way to break that trust and once it is broken, I promise you it is much harder to earn back.

Do yourself a favor and look elsewhere for a different way to make money online. You’ll feel better about it in the long run.

Final Verdict:

Legit, but not recommended


Have you used Commission Plan X? If so, did you agree with my review? Or did you disagree with it? Regardless, let me know in the comments section below!


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A digital marketing and ecommerce specialist with a passion for teaching others how to succeed in the digital space.

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