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Perpetual Income 365 Review

Are You Ready to Earn a Living Online?


Are you tired of the daily commute? Are you done with the traditional 9 to 5? With a laptop and an internet connection I managed to build my own business while also working remotely to earn over $100K a year, and my life completely changed. Let me show you exactly how I’ve been doing it for more than 10 years.

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Perpetual Income 365


Overall Rating



  • Free email swipes to use, even after you quit
  • Squeeze page integration and creation
  • a good introductory guide to solo ad traffic
  • Easy to navigate member dashboard


  • Underwhelming information
  • Misleading information given
  • Instantly blacklisted once you request a refund

If you have been looking for ways to make money online, then you have most likely come across Perpetual Income 365. Perpetual Income 365 makes bold claims, all of which seem to be a godsend to people who could really use the money.

But is it a legitimate opportunity or is it just another scam you need to be wary of?

Let’s jump into my honest Perpetual Income 365 review to find out the truth!

*Disclaimer: This website contains affiliate links and I may earn a commission from qualifying purchases as an Amazon Affiliate when you click on the links on this post at no additional cost to you. Read my full disclaimer here*

perpetual income 365



Name: Perpetual Income 365

Website URL:

Website Owner: Shawn Josiah

Advertised Price: $47 a month

Overall Rating: dollar symboldollar symbol
Verdict: Legit, But Not Recommended

Summary: Perpetual Income 365 is a legitimate online money making system, targeting newbies in order to teach them how to make money online.


Perpetual Income 365 Review: What Is It?

perpetual income 365

Perpetual Income 365 is a program meant to teach those interested in learning how to earn a passive income stream online. 

Claimed to be using a secret algorithm, Perpetual Income 365 simply gives you the knowledge of how affiliate marketing works and how you can use it to start your own successful online business. It uses the MCCA algorithm (not really an algorithm, more of a marketing term) to turn leads into profits over and over again. It is exclusively made for newbies and teaches them how to get started successfully with Clickbank.


What Is Included?

Upon signing up, and after navigating past numerous upsells,  you will have access to:

  • 2 made for you squeeze pages
  • Web hosting of squeeze pages
  • 31-day email follow up sequence
  • A free solo ad guide


Pros. vs. Cons.


  • Free email swipes to use, even after you quit
  • Squeeze page integration and creation
  • A good introductory guide to solo ad traffic
  • Easy to navigate member dashboard


  • Underwhelming information
  • Misleading information given
  • Instantly blacklisted once you request a refund


Perpetual Income 365 Price

perpetual income 365

Aside from the initial $47 sign-up price just for access to Perpetual Income 365, there are a few upsells you need to be aware of.

Perpetual Asset

  • Cost: $127
  • What is it: this option allows you to install an additional 5 squeeze pages

5 Clicks Profit Activator

  • Cost: $197
  • What is it: this option allows you to completely customize your squeeze pages, use banner ads, list “spots available” on your squeeze page, and track visitors using analytics

Email ATM

  • Cost: $297
  • What is it: includes content fountain, spam box filter, and instant broadcasts.


Perpetual Income 365 and Solo Ads

The bulk of the training offered through Perpetual Income 365 is using solo ads to promote your squeeze pages. You are advised to use solo ads from 4 different sources: Udimi, Wayne Crowe, Roy’s Solo ads, and Traffic for Me. Furthermore, you are then trained on how to find the best solo ad vendor to use.

Now, the thing is, solo ad traffic can be great for people who don’t know how to generate their own streams of traffic. However, being a form of paid traffic, if you don’t know what you are doing, you could end up spending a bunch of money with little to nothing in return. Solo ads on average can cost anywhere from $100 to $1,000 just for a single blast!


Perpetual Income 365 Reviews

Don’t want to take my word for it?

Then don’t! Take a look at what actual users have said about Perpetual Income 365 below!

perpetual income 365 reviews

perpetual income 365 reviews

perpetual income 365 reviews


Is Perpetual Income 365 a Scam?

Yes and no.

While you won’t gain access to this exclusive Netflix algorithm you are promised in the initial promotional video nor will you actually make up to $500 a day online when you are starting out, you are still given a product that can be useful when trying to make a living online. 

On top of it, you are given a few bonuses such as:

  • Selling a Low-Cost Monthly Newsletter Report
  • Freelancing on Sites like Fiverr Report
  • Creating a Membership Site Report

All of these bonuses can help you build a passive income online, by giving you the basics you need to get started with these methods.


My Final Opinion

After carefully looking at Perpetual Income 365, this isn’t a system I can recommend to anybody. Personally, I am not a huge fan of Done For You Systems to begin with. Many of them offer false promises and unless you know what you are doing, you won’t make a dime online. In order to do any kind of online business work, regardless of the method, you need to first understand how these businesses operate from the ground up and why you want to operate one yourself.

My main issue with Perpetual Income 365 is the main fact that while it teaches you the basics of these methods, it doesn’t teach you the technical aspects of how to do each. You won’t learn how to earn traffic to your offers aside from solo ads, you won’t learn about search engine optimization to get your offers seen in front of people on search engines, you won’t learn how to write a converting email copy, nor will you learn how to show people how you can help them rather than selling to them.

As a beginner, I fell for one of these programs myself. I can tell you from experience that while you will learn a few helpful tidbits here and there, you won’t learn what it really takes to make money online. Do yourself a favor and save yourself the money. There are plenty of programs out there like Wealthy Affiliate that will teach you all you need to know to successfully run an online business online, using both free and paid traffic methods.

Final Verdict:

Legit, but Not Recommended


Have you tried Perpetual Income 365? If so, what was your experience? Did you make money with the system? Let me know in the comments below!


How Do You Actually Make Money Online?

Take it from somebody who has been working online for a living since July 2013: there are literally hundreds of ways you can make money on the Internet. If you want to make money online using one of the easiest methods today, then you should follow my EXACT method.

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A digital marketing and ecommerce specialist with a passion for teaching others how to succeed in the digital space.

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