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Slice the Pie Review

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Slice the Pie


Overall Rating



  • Free to sign up
  • Relatively easy work


  • Not a lucrative opportunity
  • Effort vs Pay doesn’t make it worth it
  • No support
  • Too many complaints from both current and former members

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Slice the Pie scam is supposedly a scam that has been around for a few years. In fact, it has been around since I started my own online journey. Online, there are several different ways to make money online, from writing blog articles to even playing video games for a living. However, one of the easiest ways to make money online is by writing reviews.

Slice the Pie leverages that and claims to help you make money by reviewing music.

Does it live up to this expectation?

Let’s take a dive into this Slice the Pie review to find out!

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slice the pie review

My Honest Slice the Pie Review

Name: Slice The Pie

Website URL: www.slicethepie.com

Advertised Price: Free

Overall Rating: Wealthy Affiliate review-membership levels
Verdict: Legit, but not recommended

Summary: While Slice the Pie may be legit, the amount of effort you have to put in for the mediocre pay you will receive is not worth it.


What is Slice the Pie?

To put it simply: Slice the Pie is a website that helps people make money by reviewing music from various artists.

slice the pie

While it has become a hidden gem for people looking to make easy cash, it has also become a godsend to aspiring artists and unknown musicians. It also allows these artists to gain invaluable feedback on their craft and acts as a way for unknown artists to have their music heard.

The main goal of the reviews being written by members is to help the musical clients that use Slice the Pie is to help musicians, by giving them the feedback they need to improve their music or make a few changes to appeal to their audience.


How Does it Work?

Once you sign up to Slice the Pie, the first step will be to select the category of music you are most interested in.

Once chosen, you will begin to receive a feed of music best fitting that category that you will review. You will need to listen to no less than 90 seconds of a track before you are allowed to write a review. Type up your review, noting what you liked most, what you disliked, and specific areas of the song that stuck out to you.

The important thing to note is that if you are required to fill out a freeform text box with your review, you will need to reach the minimum text amount for your review to be accepted.


The Good vs. The Bad

The Good

  • Free to sign up
  • Relatively easy work

The Bad

  • Not a lucrative opportunity
  • Effort vs Pay doesn’t make it worth it
  • No support
  • Too many complaints from both current and former members


How Much Money Can You Make with Slice the Pie?

Slice the Pie typically pays between 2 cents up to 20 cents per review. Of course, this will be dependent on your star rating. The more stars you have, the more you can make.

The payout required for this website is a minimum of $10.


Is Slice the Pie a Scam?

The answer to that is simple: No. 

While you may not make a lot of money from writing music reviews, you WILL make money, and Slice the Pie has a solid history of paying out its members. 


Training and Support: What to Expect

Don’t expect much in terms of training or support.

As far as training goes, with a simple to use interface and pretty self-explanatory review system, Slice the Pie doesn’t offer anything in training. You either get it, or you don’t.

As far as support, aside from a basic FAQ’s page, Slice the Pie does offer a contact email at info@slicethepie.com as a means to get in touch with a member of their team if you have any questions or concerns.



Slice the Pie is free to sign up.

All you need is a valid email address, your name, and a password.


The Bad Stuff: What I Dislike About Slice the Pie

There are plenty of things I dislike about Slice the Pie. While I love the idea of helping aspiring artists receive the much-needed feedback they are looking for, from the standpoint of a person who is trying to make money online, it is not a program I am a fan of.

The pay isn’t worth it

I know I am not the only one saying this, but for writing a review, yes, as simple and easy as it may seem, the amount of money you earn per review does not make this a worthwhile opportunity in my eyes. This is even considering the fact that most of the reviews you are required to write need to be fairly long before they will be accepted. For higher pay, the amount of time listening to a track and then writing a review may be worth it. But for just a couple of cents, there are better and more lucrative ways to spend your time.

The distrust among other members

If there is one thing that should stick out to you, it is the number of reviews out there from current or former members, riddled with accusations and distrust. You will find many comments ranging from people having their accounts closed for no reason, to not receiving their payment, even when they have reached their payout threshold.

slice the pie reviews
Slice the pie review from an actual user
slice the pie reviews
slice the pie reviews

slice the pie reviews

slice the pie reviews

The fact that there are even a handful of these claims left by members should raise a few red flags. It certainly did for me.

Lack of support and training

The last thing I am not a fan of is the lack of support contacts and training available to members, both customers and those reviewing music. This kind of hands-off approach can be negative, especially if both parties aren’t sure what to do in the reviewing process.

With only one email address and a basic FAQ’s page, even a five star rated reviewer won’t be able to connect with a Slice the Pie team member to ask a question in the case they come across an issue.


Slice The Pie Review: The Bottomline

After looking carefully at Slice the Pie, and even trying it out for myself, while this program is certainly LEGIT, it is not one I would recommend. I wouldn’t even recommend it if you wanted to make a little extra cash here and there. For the amount of money you are “paid” for every review you write, the time you spend writing the review and listening to the music doesn’t return enough of your time investment to make it worthwhile. Including the hands-off staff and complaints from former and current members, this is a program I would recommend to stay away from.

However, since Slice the Pie is free to sign up for, try it out for yourself and be the judge. You have nothing to lose but a few minutes of your day.

Final Verdict:
Legit, but not recommended


Have you tried Slice the Pie? If so, what did you think of it? Was it worth it to you? Or was it a total waste of time? Regardless, let me know in the comments section below!


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A digital marketing and ecommerce specialist with a passion for teaching others how to succeed in the digital space.

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