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Traffic Authority Review

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Are you tired of the daily commute? Are you done with the traditional 9 to 5? With a laptop and an internet connection I managed to build my own business while also working remotely to earn over $100K a year, and my life completely changed. Let me show you exactly how I’ve been doing it for more than 10 years.

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Traffic Authority


Overall Rating



  • None


  • The “free” membership isn’t free and you get nothing in return
  • Horrible customer and member support
  • Not suitable for beginners
  • Hefty monthly fees to keep using the program
  • Requires a license to earn anything from their affiliate program

Welcome to my Traffic Authority review!

Listen, whenever you try to build a business online, there is one thing we all need and that we all share in common: we need high-quality traffic. It is key to one’s success online and without traffic, you cannot make money online. PERIOD.

Traffic Authority leverages this fact and has created a done-for-you traffic package that allows you to gain the traffic you need.

But, does this package even work? Will it give you the traffic you need?

Let’s get into this honest Traffic Authority review to find out!

*Disclaimer: This website contains affiliate links and I may earn a commission from qualifying purchases as an Amazon Affiliate when you click on the links on this post at no additional cost to you. Read my full disclaimer here*

traffic authority review

My Honest Traffic Authority Review



Name: Traffic Authority

Website URL:

Owners: Greg Chambers, Chad Stalvey, and Doug Wellens

Price: Varies

Overall Rating: dollar symbol
Verdict: Not Recommended

Summary: A program that offers nothing more than traffic packages as well as marketing tools, giving nothing of sustenance to members for joining.


What is Traffic Authority?

traffic authority

Originally going by the name “Infinite Leverage System,” Traffic Authority is an MLM company that provides a variety of traffic packages customers can use to promote their website and business to their core target audience online. 

To keep it simple, this company sells website traffic as well as a few online marketing tools that many online business owners may need. It also works as a membership site.


Pros. vs. Cons.


  • None


  • The “free” membership isn’t free and you get nothing in return
  • Horrible customer and member support
  • Not suitable for beginners
  • Hefty monthly fees to keep using the program
  • Requires a license to earn anything from their affiliate program

Traffic Authority Cost

Let’s take a closer look at the true cost of Traffic Authority and see exactly what you will get for the price you pay.

Traffic Store

traffic authority

  • Price: Ranges from $220 to $8,397
  • What It Includes: Premium traffic at “wholesale price,” access to top tier traffic, and fast order response
  • Traffic Packages:
    • Basic-$220
    • Bronze- $440
    • Silver-$660
    • Gold-$1,097
    • Platinum-$2,197
    • Titanium-$4,297


Traffic Optimizer

traffic authority

  • Price: $47 monthly
  • What It Includes: customizable email capture pages, link tracker and link rotator, one-click split testing software, exit pages, timers, and popups


Traffic Academy

traffic authority

  • Price: $97 monthly
  • What It Includes: an exclusive training course that covers a 30-day traffic game plan, live training, and traffic authority certification.


List Leverage

  • Price: $49 monthly and $398 yearly
  • What It Includes: 15 squeeze pages, 1,000 email marketing email swipes, and access to 10 training webinars.


Traffic Authority Support

When it comes to the support aspect of this program, don’t look for anything impressive. Traffic Authority provides:

  • A basic FAQ page
  • Email submission center
  • Email address to contact
  • Mailing address to contact


What I Don’t Like

There are too many things I don’t like about this program. Some of the things I despise about this program include:

False Income Claims

Yes, it is true gaining traffic to your website can lead to lucrative opportunities, especially if you are promoting a worthwhile program or product. But claiming that with their traffic you can make half of a million dollars in a week is just ridiculous.

This is a huge red flag for any program you see. You cannot make that much money in such little time. It is just that simple. 

Member and Customer Complaints

There are plenty of complaints from both former members and customers of Traffic Authority alike. You can find many of these complaints online and from other Traffic Authority reviews like this one. Take a look below at what some people have been saying about this program.

traffic authority review

traffic authority review

The Investment Required

Look, I’m not a novice when it comes to marketing or gaining online traffic. When you talk about paid traffic avenues, I have paid my fair share of money for it. Some traffic I have received has been great, some not so great. However, the cost ranging from $220 to $8,000 for traffic is ridiculous. 

And this is just for the traffic packages! This isn’t including the investment required to become an affiliate!


Is Traffic Authority a Scam?

This depends on how you classify a scam.

For me, I classify anything that makes false promises to everyday regular people like myself of the amount of money they can make with their program as a scam. I consider any program that offers little to no value for the amount of money you invest originally a scam.

To me, this program screams a scam.

However, for the money you pay, you DO get a product in return. You are given some semblance of what you are promised. 

The company is just not honest about what you will get.


My Final Opinion

After carefully looking at Traffic Authority, this isn’t a program I would recommend, both as a customer and as an affiliate. As a customer, there is no way to gauge the quality of the traffic you are receiving, and no real viable tracking methods used. As an affiliate, you are expected to pay out huge sums of money before you even see a fraction of that initial investment back.

In general, I’d recommend staying away from this program.

As an affiliate, there are MUCH BETTER programs you can promote that have actual value to them and that will pay you the money you deserve to make. As a customer, there are better and even cheaper ways to gain the traffic you are desperately looking for.

Traffic Authority is just not the place to get any of that.

Final Verdict:
Not Recommended


Have you tried Traffic Authority for yourself? How did the program work for you? Please let us know in the comment section below!


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Traffic Authority


A digital marketing and ecommerce specialist with a passion for teaching others how to succeed in the digital space.

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